2 Short Inspirational Stories Of Amazing Teenage Indians Including World’s Youngest Headmaster

Mohammed Rafi
4 min readJul 30, 2019


Why the hell do you complain about your life?

Were you taken aback by my first sentence?

Well, at times it is imperative to give you a shock to make you understand the reality.

You are not alone!

Even I do complain about the challenges in life. But when you see the inspirational stories of these amazing young wonders, you will tell yourself that your problems are just negligible.

These 3 inspirational young Indians will touch your heart and capture your soul. If not, you would have to consult a heart and soul surgeon to do some repair.

1. Babbar Ali — World’s Youngest Headmaster at the Age of 16

I believe, you and I are blessed with all the basic necessities of life. Otherwise, neither will I be writing this article nor will you be reading this.

When the so called matured Head masters crib about the pitfalls in the system, Babbar Ali created a system of his own for the world to see and explore.

This young boy has fought against all odds with a fire in his belly and a deep desire in his heart to educate the children in his neighborhood. Babbar is a 12th standard student of ”Cossimbazar Raj Govinda Sundari Vidyapeeth”, Murshidabad, West Bengal.

He attends school like any normal children from morning till late afternoon. But what he does after his school hours is to be watched, learned and adopted.

Babbar Ali is the Headmaster of an afternoon school called “Anand Shiksha Niketan” where there are 800 students, at present. It all started 9 years back with just 8 students. The school is being run in temporary concrete structure without any major infrastructure. At his Gurukula, Babbar provides free education to all the kids who come from far away places to learn the basic lessons of life.

When we blame the system, our family circumstances, financial instabilities and many other things to take action, Babbar Ali is doing all this with just 3 things — “Sheer Dedication, Passion and Will”.

You can contribute your part to help Babbar support his vision of a 100% literate India. If you are interested please let us know and together we can make India a 100% literate country.

2. Karthik Sawhney — Blind Indian Teen Who Opened The Eyes of Vision-less Indian Educational Officials

IIT denied admission for Karthik, but Stanford welcomed him with both hands. Karthik Sawhney’s inspirational story is a shame for the Indian educational system and a light for the next generation of kids who want to fight against the unjust practices in our system.

In India, blind students were not given an opportunity to learn science and maths once they complete their 8th standard. They were forced to take other subjects like arts, literature or music.

But Karthik Sawhney had different plans in his mind. He was so much passionate about studying science and maths. So, he decided to face the officials with the help of his parents, relatives and an NGO campaign. Eventually, the CBSE board had to give up. They showed the green signal and Karthik appeared for his CBSE Board exams.

Guess what, he took the whole world by surprise by scoring 96%.

He lost the first battle. However his fight was similar to the spider who eventually built his web in the 8th attempt.

Karthik Sawhney dreamed of becoming a software developer and his vision was to build software application which can be accessed by people with different disabilities. What a stunning vision?

Its a shame on IIT and India that we were not able to let this boy continue his higher education. We denied an opportunity for him to try his potential, alongside the bright brains of physically able students at our IIT’s.

This is where we need to salute the likes of Stanford, MIT, Harvard and Oxford. Stanford was one step ahead by welcoming Karthik to do his Engineering degree at their campus.

Karthik has taught us a lesson — No disability should stop you from achieving your dream

When you see lives like these you start believing more in yourself and your self confidence goes up instantly. It is imperative to understand that you will have to face roadblocks towards your journey. At the same time please remember ” All great men have sacrificed something or the other to reach greatness”.

You should be willing to lose something, if you want to gain something else. For example if you want to achieve good health you should be willing to exercise and maintain proper diet.

I am sure, you also would have come across similar inspirational stories of people who live in and around you. Please bring it to our notice, so that we can she their inspirational stories to bring positive changes to the lives of other people.



Mohammed Rafi
Mohammed Rafi

Written by Mohammed Rafi

has been a catalyst in bringing positive outcomes in the lives of more than 125,000 people through nlp training programs. Visit: https://nlptrainingworld.com/

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