Change habits for the good with NLP
“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.”
― Samuel Johnson
This is one of the most Profound lines about how our habits make our whole life because nearly everything is a habit. If you think you cannot eat healthy food and always end up binging on junk food, it is simply due to habit and not taste, if you think that letting go of the “Crippling Past” is not your nature, it is a HABIT. What you think is your nature in is Your HABITS.
The problem arises when we start mistaking our habits as who we are and start living our life defined by our fixed patterns, constantly reminding ourselves unconsciously that this is the only way to behave and exist. We are all creature of habits that forms and shapes our life, it’s only when they start overpowering and convincing us to believe everything we think about ourselves, it is time to gear up and start taking control of our life, to change and uproot every habit which is a hindrance to the life we desire for us.
The first step is simply to choose which behaviour or habit to transform first! Every habit has an unconscious reason, many of us can’t change our behaviours because we can’t identify what is driving us unconsciously. Even if you do, it’s one thing to recognize a bad habit and a whole other to change it. It takes a lot of time and massive effort to change something so deeply rooted.
That’s where NLP comes in. Instilling new habits enrich our lives, our relationships, and our ability to create wealth and money — With the Power of NLP we can build positive habits to exponentially change the quality of our lives. , with simple tools like Hypnosis , Swish and other powerful skills and exercises we can create quick and long lasting changes to behaviours and habits that are no longer serving us.
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