How NLP is used with Hypnosis?
All successful communication is hypnosis. — Milton H. Erickson,M.D.
Words were originally magic and to this day words have retained much of their ancient magical power. — Sigmund Freud, 1915
Hypnosis is a state of mind in which the critical facility of the human is bypassed and selective thinking established. — Dave Elman (1900–1967)
Simply put, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion. Under hypnosis, suggestions bypass the critical faculties of normal consciousness and directly enter the subconscious mind–where “if accepted,” they are acted upon. The deeper the level of hypnosis, the greater the subject’s suggestibility.
This entire process is based upon the fact that while our conscious thought processes use inductive reasoning, our subconscious uses only deductive reasoning. Once a suggestion is accepted by the subconscious, it is automatically transformed into reality. It does not matter if the suggestion originates from an internal source (i.e. self-hypnosis) or an external one (the operator). Indeed, the distinction between autosuggestion and heterosuggestion is considered to be both arbitrary and superficial.
According to William Edmonston in The Induction of Hypnosis, trance states and the seeds for hypnosis began with the ancient Hindus. Later, ancient Greeks in the fifth century B.C. used “sleep temples” to help cure people. Most of the other ancients, including the Romans, used words to create spells. They also usually placed their hands on or over people to move the “magnetic energy” within them.
Hypnosis is thought to work by altering our state of consciousness….
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