How students can learn NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) benefit from it?
I was walking on a road. Enjoying cool breeze of air. I passed from one school. I saw groups of students entering the school with heavy bags on shoulders, poor kids. Time is changing rapidly and same with the education system. But I don’t want to discuss here about that. What I felt watching those students is how wonderful it will be if they get to learn NLP…!!!
NLP will surely help the students to face the challenges they are going through in current scenario. Now a days we see many students feeling stressed, frustrated, confused and even depressed. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a training related to your mind functioning. It makes us aware of our mind power. It also helps us to know how to use our mind power. We are what our beliefs are.. NLP helps us to reframe our unconscious mind with resourceful beliefs and remove unresourceful belief.
Now a days students are facing mainly below listed challenges:
1. Comparison — Each child is a UNIQUE creation of GOD. But most of the times many of the parents and even few teachers forgets this. We see comparison of marks, getting awards, getting selected for competition, leadership etc. within parents. They put pressure on a child and child may feel stressed, frustrated, fearful or even depressed. All these may lead to lower the performance of student. It may also effect child’s mental as well as physical health.
2. Distraction while studying — Students gets distracted by different things or thoughts in mind while studying. They lose concentration and focus. Halfhearted attention towards studies will give poor result.
3. Labelling — Many students, teachers and parents have the habit of labeling to other students. Like slow learner, fat, dumbo, etc. All such remarks may go in child’s unconscious mind and can form a strong negative belief about themselves. It will lead to further draining down their energy and self-esteem.
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